March 17, 2022, Posted By John M

Where is the SpyFly Opt Out Process?

SpyFly Opt Out

Whether you are a business owner or an individual, you know that information found online can be accessed by anyone with a computer. With a few clicks of a mouse and a simple web search, details about your life — your phone numbers, addresses, relatives, and arrest records — are there for all the world to see.

What if there’s a way to remove information from the web to protect your privacy? In this guide, we will explore SpyFly, a leading data broker, and show you how to complete the information removal process on that platform. Let’s get started with the SpyFly opt out process.

What is SpyFly?

SpyFly is one of dozens of third party data collectors on the web, just like Whitepages, CheckPeople, Nuwber, and many others. Launched in 2012, the platform bills itself as “the premier website for consumers looking for comprehensive, accurate, and affordable public records data.”

Many people use Spy Fly or another people search service to conduct informal background checks on others. While SpyFly is careful to note on its website that it is a violation of the site’s terms of service to use a relevant identification information request to make hiring and financial decisions, one can be almost certain that the platform is misused by a fraction of its user base.

On SpyFly, records are pulled from publically-accessible databases on the local, state, and federal levels. When searching for personal info, such as your own name or a friend’s, SpyFly claims to scour millions of records, which can include:

  • Contact Information — residential histories, physical addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses.
  • Financial Histories — Judgements, liens, bankruptcies, financial information, and UCC filings.
  • Legal and Lifestyle Data — Arrest records, warrants, permits and licenses, and career information.

Information from SpyFly is organized by state. Users can select a specific state to narrow search results. Once the search is complete, Spy Fly then produces a detailed report. For a nominal fee that each user will pay, Spy Fly will email you the report.

Because the information collected by the platform is based in public records, this data broker and other third party data collectors services just like it aren’t breaking any laws by sharing personal info.

However, many people wish to preserve their privacy and wonder if they can cancel SpyFly or make an opt out request. The good news is that it is possible to have your personal information removed from the site by requesting removal directly within the SpyFly opt out request feature on the site.

Data Brokers and Your Personal Privacy

Over the past decade, data brokers like Spy Fly have become an essential — and visible — part of internet search tools. These data brokers collect public record information from government agencies across the country, and pull data from municipal, county, state, and federal databases.

Every time you interact with a government agency, certain information is collected about you. This information becomes part of your public record — and is then available to data brokers which scour the web for these details. Personal information collected may include:

  • Current address or addresses and ZIP code
  • Traffic offenses
  • Age
  • Previous address or addresses and ZIP code for each address
  • First and last name
  • Names of relatives
  • Arrest reports
  • Mugshots
  • Marriage licenses
  • Business and professional licenses
  • Email addresses

How can data brokers interfere with your personal privacy? Think of it this way: anyone with an internet connection and a few minutes of time on their hands can conduct an informal background check on you using nothing more than SpyFly or other services that aggregate public database records. Do you really want anyone to be able to pinpoint your location, know where you live or lived, or gain access to your email address or phone number?

If the answer to that question is NO, then an opt out request to remove information is probably in your best interest. Protect your privacy and get your details out of the hands of people who may wish you harm by completing the opt out process on Spy Fly.

Risks to Your Privacy

Search results on Spy Fly can reveal a lot about you. What these search results reveal can create risks for you and your family.

If someone uses Spy Fly to conduct a background check on you, they are presented with a wide range of information from the SpyFly search tool. Armed with this information, a criminal could potentially:

  • Open fraudulent accounts in your name
  • Impersonate you online or in the real world
  • Visit your current address to do you harm

Additional details collected from your social media accounts, mentions on online blogs or websites, and other details can help criminals steal your identity. When data brokers provide information that identifies you and your family members, the risks can be overwhelming. Gain control over your privacy with the SpyFly opt out process.

Current Address on SpyFly

On Spy Fly, your current address is tied directly to your first and last name in search results. The SpyFly system includes this information in an overview before sending out reports based on your email request. Websites like SpyFly were originally designed to help connect people with family members or others. Unfortunately, bad actors have begun to use websites like these to collect information that is then used to commit digital crimes.

Your current address is where you live — potentially with your spouse or children. Do you really want a stranger to have access to those details about your personal life?

Previous Addresses on SpyFly

One of the most amazing features of the Spy Fly platform is its ability to pull up previous addresses for a specific person. If you’ve moved around a lot, your public record profile has created a sizeable digital footprint. Every previous address you’ve ever lived at is available on the SpyFly platform.

With access to your previous address and zip code, a criminal can spoof financial institutions like banks, potentially opening accounts in your name without you ever knowing about it. If you think this is a remote risk, you’re wrong: to date, information from SpyFly and similar data websites have been used in countless cybercrimes.

Starting an Opt Out Request on SpyFly

The SpyFly member support team has created an opt out process to help individuals remove sensitive information from the SpyFly platform. If you’re ready to cancel SpyFly, this opt out process can help protect you and your family. Follow the below steps to cancel SpyFly:

To begin, email the SpyFly member support team with a request to opt out of data collection. If you prefer, you can call the support team. You will have to provide additional details to verify that you are the one making the request. Typically, SpyFly sends out a verification email which you must be able to access. Just click the link in the Spy Fly email to continue the process.

In addition to your first and last name, you may have to provide information like:

  • Zip code
  • Current addresses
  • Age

Once the data broker reviews your opt out request, the company will search for any records matching your information. Those records will then be removed from public search results. SpyFly sends another verification email to tell you your request has been completed. According to the platform, SpyFly claims to “do everything in our power to keep your information from appearing in search results.”

Can This Opt Out Request Process Work on Other Sites?

Opting out of SpyFly information sharing only works on the platform itself. However, most data brokers websites have similar opt-out processes. To ensure that your personal information is removed from public access, you may have to visit each site to complete the process to remove your private details from search results.

Remember that because much of the information appearing on third-party people search websites comes from the public record, it is possible that your private info may reappear at any time on any number of sites. It is a good practice to check the web periodically by searching for your first and last name, your initials, or other variations on your name. You may be surprised at what you find in online searches!

If that seems like too much work, a professional removal service like Internet Privacy can help. Our team of information removal specialists have the experience and tools needed to preserve your digital privacy.

Contact Internet Privacy Today to Protect Your Personal Info

Internet Privacy has helped thousands of clients remove personal info from the public record.Our removal team works closely with each client, identifying the record or records that need to be removed from third-party data collectors’ websites – especially popular ones like Whitepages, Spokeo, Nuwber, CheckPeople, etc. Our services are comprehensive, allowing you to gain control over your digital footprint.

We scour the web looking for every listing containing your name and personal details. If you’re ready to opt out of data broker platforms like SpyFly, call Internet Privacy today at 866-349-0130 for a free online analysis.